Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

The Alphabet Prayer

This is a story told by the late Corrie ten Boom
at the Congress on World Evagelization
in Lausanne, Switzerland,
when she gave her presentation on Payer

            A small boy was flying his kite. But suddenly, the line slipped out of his little hands and the wind blew his kite away..... Tears sprang in his eyes. But from somewhere he knew that it was God who caused the wind. So, in his heart he hoped that God would order the wind to fly the kite back to him.
            In the afternoon someone knocked on the front door of his house. When he opened the door there was a man holding his kite. "Is this not your kite, boy?" With great joy the boy shouted: "Yes, it is mine, thank you very much sir."
            He ran to his parents and said joyfully:
"Look, God brought my kite back to me. Mother, please teach me to pray, because I want to thank God for returning the kite to me."
But his mother said: "Son, I have never learned to pray, so, I am very sorry, I can't teach you to pray."
Then he turned to his father: "Teach me to pray, Dad, please"
Also his daddy said: "Son, I am sorry, I never go to church, neither have I gone to Sunday school. I don't know how to pray."
Disappointed that his parents could not teach him to pray, he went to his room.
Later in the evening, before his mother went to bed, she stopped by her son's room. She found him on his knees saying the Alphabet....!
"What are you doing, son?" she asked.
"Sssst..." the boy replied, "I am praying"
"That is not praying", the mother said, "it is saying the alphabet.".
Her little boy answered: "I know Mother. But because I don't know how to pray, I just send the letters to God and let Him form the words...."

Corrie ten Boom finished the story saying:

"That, Brothers and Sisters, is a real and honest Prayer"


                                                                                       Fred Thomas

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